Biopulcher bioremediation news

Segura river (Murcia) environmental recovery

The project “Environmental Recovery of the Segura River” has managed to be recognized both nationally and internationally. Specifically, the project has been awarded the Segovia Aqueduct Award from the Spanish Engineers Association.

The project is also a finalist in the European Riverprize Awards 2015, along the Trent River in England and the Aragón River in Navarra and Huesca.

Biopulcher has been the company responsible for carrying out the design of the river bioremediation project on its way through the city of Murcia, as well as the associated works.

The bioremediation process has managed to reduce the organic matter present in the muds of the river thanks to the activity of the bacteria that constitute the Biopulcher method, eliminating also the unpleasant and annoying odors that said sludge caused.

Video on the Environmental Recovery of the Segura River

Drone at the Segura River